René-Pier Deshaies-Gélinas & Galen Pejeau Present

Boundless: Amongst The Ruins

Courage and Horror Role-Playing in a Dying Universe

Set in a brand new sci-fi setting from the minds behind Stoneburner, Nomadic, Songs and Sagas, and more, we are happy to announce our next big project:   Boundless: Amongst the Ruins  .

For over two centuries now, we have been an interstellar species. The slow diaspora of SUBLIGHT VESSELS gave way to BOREAL DRIVES, gave way to the BELL GATE NETWORK, and now the HUMAN SPECTRUM, in its nearly infinite variety of form and thought, is able to look out across dozens of worlds and moons.Then came the SHELL. Enormous swarming fleets of unknown and insect-like machines poured into system after system, razing, burning, consuming. At first, they were thought to be an alien life form, so strange in appearance and incomprehensible in communication. Now we know that they are the evolution, the degeneration of evil, plutocratic attempts at interstellar colonization. A hive mind of infinitely iterating hunger and piecemeal cancer-forms, spilling out of bone marrow ships to turn every scrap of matter into more Shells. For thirty years, the UNITED NATIONS SPACE FORCE fought bravely, and then desperately, to hold back the Shell tide. The military buildup was incredibly costly, and the toll in lives was even greater. But the end, the UNSF was a hollow thing, a mix of conscripted soldiers, dubbed mind patterns, and even clones, all tossed into the fire in hopes of stopping the inevitable.One by one, the bell gates flickered out, disappearing from the network. The Shell and the UNSF, both exhausted and disconnected from their command centers, settled into sporadic conflict in the isolated star systems. There are two victors in this war. For the first time in a century, the remaining human populations know scarcity and must scrabble in the ruins to keep their settlements filled with energy, food, and atmosphere. Most habitable planets have been rendered into cinders by the war, and with the Shell still roving the void, the average human community is now either buried deep inside an icy asteroid or constantly on the move in an old freighter.You are a RUNNER, and having liberated a small vessel and a precious cargo of drop suits from a UNSF convoy, you may be the only lifeline remaining to the humans of your system. You must plumb the depths of space, avoid the prying forces of two still-powerful factions.Will you find enough to keep flying, or even begin the task of reconnecting the scattered threads of humanity?WE PLAY TO FIND OUT.

Some previews

Want to know more?

Boundless will soon be available for playtesting, and then we will launch a crowdfunding campaign to help fund a print run for the game.If you want to be notified when we are ready to share more, be sure to click on the button below!